Interview Questions

Here is a list of the questions that were drawn from during the interviews. Keep in mind that these questions were only a guideline. If some questions were irrelevant in an interview they would not need to be discussed. On the other hand in the interview particpants discussed aspects of radio that were not part of the list of questions and were pursued by the interviewer. Each interviewee was required to sign an Informed Consent Form.


Interview schedule guidelines for questions
Date of birth:
Civil status in 1930s:

  1. Where did you live in the 1930s?
  2. How old were you?
  3. Who did you live with at the time?
  4. Where was the radio in your home?
  5. When did you first get a radio?
  6. Who bought the radio?
  7. Did you think it was a big change?
  8. Did you or anyone in your family listen to radio before you had your
  9. own radio? Who? Where?
  10. Did it help you become more aware of major events and/or information?
  11. Who listened to the radio - members of the family, friends, others?
  12. Did you listen separately or as a group?
  13. Did your listening patterns vary by program?
  14. Who chose the programs?
  15. How long was the radio on during an average day?
  16. What were your favourite programs?
  17. Why?
  18. What types of programs were listened to most in your home?
  19. Did you listen to the news?
  20. What type(s) of music did you listen to?
  21. Did you schedule other activities around your listening?
  22. Did you have a local favourite program?
  23. Can you remember any local programs?
  24. Did you ever call into a show or meet someone through or because of radio?
  25. Do you remember the farm/citizen's forum?
  26. Did you ever send in box tops or other items in for a prize or contest?
  27. Did you become part of a fan club or write away for pictures or other souvenirs?
  28. Did you enjoy radio over other activities?
  29. Can you recall the setting, did you do other things while you were listening, did others?
  30. What type of radio did you have in the house? (battery, electric, size, model, quantity?)
  31. Did the woman of the house listen during the day?
  32. To what stations did you listen?
  33. Which American programs did you listen to, if any?
  34. Did you listen to any Canadian programs?
  35. Do you think that radio changed the way you thought about Canada, your province or your region?
  36. Did radio introduce you to American programs and ideas?
  37. Can you remember what you did for entertainment before radio?
  38. Did radio replace a lot of the things you did for entertainment before radio or add to them?
  39. Was it different for different members of your family? How?
  40. Do you have any other memories of radio in the 1930s?
  41. Would you like to add anything else about radio in the 1930s?
  42. Do you still listen to radio regularly?
  43. When do you listen to radio?
  44. Where do you listen to radio?
  45. What types of programs do you listen to now?
  46. How much of the day would you say you are actively listening to radio?
  47. How much of the day is the radio on in the background?
  48. Do you have any favourite programs now?
  49. We are in the process of setting up a website for Canadian radio memories. Are there any features that you think would be useful or that you would enjoy?
  50. Do you know of anyone else that I may contact about radio? Names, phone numbers etc.
  51. Would it be possible to contact you again for any further research?

Informed Consent Form

Date: July 30th, 2009

Study Name: Remembering Radio (pilot The Early Canadian Radio Audience)

Researchers: Anne F. MacLennan, 3025 TEL Building, 416-736-2100 ext. 33857

Purpose of the Research: To collect memories from Canadian of radio during the 1930s.

What You Will Be Asked to Do in the Research: The participants will be interviewed for approximately 20 to 30 minutes (sometimes longer or shorter depending on the participant).

Risks and Discomforts: None.

Benefits of the Research and Benefits to You: It’s nice to remember a time gone by.

Voluntary Participation: Your participation in the study is completely voluntary and you may choose to stop participating at any time.Your decision not to volunteer will not influence the nature of your relationship with York University either now, or in the future.

Withdrawal from the Study: You can stop participating in the study at any time, for any reason, if you so decide.If you decide to stop participating or to refuse to answer particular questions, your decision will not affect your relationship with the researchers, York University or any other group associated with this project.Further, in the event you withdraw from the study, all associated data collected as a result of your participation will be immediately destroyed wherever possible

Confidentiality: The information you supply during the research will not be held in confidence and unless you specify and choose that a part or whole of the interview should be held in confidence. You as the interviewee have complete control over whether the entire interview or only parts may be used.Otherwise you may be quoted and your name may appear in any report or publication of the research, including a possible radio documentary.Participants will be given credit for their memories.The interview data will be digitally recorded.The data will be safely stored and only research staff will have access to this information.The data will be stored indefinitely until there is technical disaster and files are lost or outdated.

Consent to have your name used in the study: Agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

Questions about the Research?: If you have questions about the research in general or about your role in the study, please feel free to contact Dr. MacLennan either by telephone at (416) 736-2100, extension 33857 or by e-mail at This research has been reviewed and approved by the Human Participants Review Sub-Committee, York University’s Ethics Review Board and conforms to the standards of the Canadian Tri-Council Research Ethics guidelines.If you have any questions about this process or about your rights as a participant in the study, please contact the Sr. Manager & Policy Advisor for the Office of Research Ethics, 5th Floor, York Research Tower, York University (telephone 416-736-5914 or e-mail

Legal Rights and Signatures:
I, ____________________________ consent to participate in Remembering Radio conducted by Dr. Anne F. MacLennan.I have understood the nature of this project and wish to participate.I am not waiving any of my legal rights by signing this form. My signature below indicates my consent.

Signature ____________________________
Date [  /  /  ]
Participant ____________________________

Signature ____________________________
Date [  /  /  ]
Participant ____________________________
Principal Investigator